Friday, September 12, 2014

For Ladies only

Sorry guys - but this blog is for the ladies and is full of lots of TMI type information.

VAGINITIS/Yeast Infections

We all get them.  We all hate them.  Unfortunately this is something that, over the years, has plagued me with more times than I care to count. I do the normal thing and get the OTC medicine and usually by the 3rd day all is right with the world again.  NOT this time.  Actually by the 6th day things just seemed to be worse.  I had a vague recollection of Rebecca at Camp Wander doing a post about this sensitive subject and decided to look it up (you can read her post here).  I was at work and extremely uncomfortable and decided that I couldn't wait to get home and go to bed to try this out so I did what any woman that is desperate for relief would do....ok well maybe only I would do this but I WAS DESPERATE. I applied the Essential Oils at work (I'll let you figure that one out on your own).  The oils for this are LavenderMelaleuca and Frankincense (I am out of Frank - and it worked just fine with out it).  The relief that I felt was almost INSTANT.  I was able to actually work and not only think about my discomfort.  Thank you for EO's!!  And of course I ALWAYS have my oils with me so thank goodness for that too!  When I went to bed I prepared the ingredients as per Rebecca's post (minus the Frank and sorry... no organic tampon) and slept soundly.  Am I completely healed? NO but I can tell that the road to recovery is imminent and I am VERY thankful for that!

Rebecca suggests to use this protocol as follows:

4 drops  Lavender
4 drops Melaleuca
4 drops Frankincense (this can be omitted but EVERTHING is better with Frank)
1tbs Coconut oil
Organic Tampon (I used regular ones)

Cover tampon with the mixture and insert. Go to sleep. Remove in the morning. This should be followed for a week to be sure but you should feel relief by morning.

You can purchase the oils mentioned in this post at Spark Naturals and you can use coupon code NIKKINOR for 10% off your order.

Yay for natural relief!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The wondrous power of essential Oils in a Salve

Salve and Essential Oils

I discovered the wonderful power and healing of essential oils by reading One Good Thing By Jillee.  Who then introduced me to her sister's blog, Camp Wander, where I have been able to learn even MORE about essential oils as well as learning about the wonders of Coconut Oil and the incredible Salve that she has created.  I use her basic salve recipe found here but make my own additions/subtractions to it to suit my needs.  I like the Salve SO much that I made my parents some for Christmas.  My parents are in their 70's and aren't up for trying new things much but I think since I sent it to them they figured they might as well give it a try, you  know "waste not, want not".  I sent four jars, Healing, Dream, Aches and Pains and Plain.  My thought process for this was as follows.... my mom had a partial mastectomy in April of 2013 so I knew she had some scars that were still fresh (she had come complications in the healing process) AND they live in a very cold/dry climate so they have very dry skin.  My dad has thin skin that he cuts easily.  So for those issues I wanted them to use the healing salve.  My mom also has terrible pain in her hips and back from arthritis so I figured the aches and pains salve would be great for that.  Then the dream salve - well who doesn't want better sleep!  and finally the plain salve was just for whatever - dry skin or to add essential oils that I send them (like the black pepper, I want my daddy to try that when he has cold hands or feet).

About a week after Christmas during our daily phone call my mom interrupts me and says "you know that stuff you sent us for Christmas?"  "yes ma'am"  "well we LOVE it!  I use the healing one on my scar and it is no longer hurting like it did and the aches and pains one is helping my arthritis and I use the dream one on my feet and it makes my feet SO soft - they are almost healed (her heals crack and bleed a lot)!".  Well I could hardly contain my excitement that this amazing stuff that I love and use EVERY DAY was also helping my parents!  She timidly asked me..... so you make this?  How did you start doing that?  And I gave her my story and told her that when she was running low to let me know and I would make her some more.  She said "YOU WILL?!?!"  She was so excited.  So about a week ago she told me that she was getting low on the healing and aches and pains.  I have since made her a double batch of healing and triple batch of aches and pains which she should be receiving tomorrow in the mail.  She can't wait to get them because they are really helping her.  I told her that I thought the healing salve would be great for daddy's thin skin ---- he said she won't let him use it because she is afraid to run out!

Bottom line:  Healing salve has stopped her mastectomy scar from hurting and is is no longer red.  The aches and pains salve she uses on her back, hips, joints .... well all over and she is now comfortable enough at night to sleep better.  The dream could be helping with her sleep but all she cares about is that heels are no longer cracked and painful.  Daddy uses the plain salve for various things.  in my opinion - this was a HOME RUN for a Christmas gift!

You can purchase most of what you need to make this incredible Salve from Spark Naturals and my favorite Coconut oil comes from Tropical Traditions.  Orders from Spark Naturals will receive a 10% discount when you use coupon code nikkinor.

This is a GREAT way to incorporate the use of essential oils into your daily routine.